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Our comprehensive exams include a full eye health check and prescription for glasses and/or contact lenses. Our doctors ensure that you have the sharpest vision possible, while also checking for signs of eye disease and systemic health problems. All comprehensive exams include checks for glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration in addition to signs of diabetes and high blood pressure, just to name a few.

OHIP covers yearly comprehensive exams for those 19 and younger, 65 and over, and those with certain medical conditions (such as diabetes).



Our doctors are able to treat red eyes, infections, corneal abrasions, and foreign bodies. These can often be same-day appointments without hours of waiting in the emergency room. Call the office if you think you are having an ocular emergency.

Most emergencies are covered under OHIP.





Our doctors can answer the questions you may have about LASIK surgery to improve your vision without the use of glasses or contact lenses. Consultations and follow ups can be performed at our office to minimize trips to the surgeon's office.





It is recommended that a child has their first eye exam at the age of 6 months of age and every year thereafter.  Your child does not need to identify letters or shapes.  Our doctors will evaluate their visual funciton, binocular vision, risk for lazy eye, eye turns, as well as the overall health of the eyes.


OHIP covers all children's exams up to and including 19 years of age.


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